Hepatic tumours

Classification according to ICCC: VII.


Hepatic tumours are rare cancers in children and adolescents, accounting for about 1% of all solid tumours. To a large extent, type of the tumour depends on the patient’s age. Hepatic tumours are classified as primary or secondary (metastases). Hepatoblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma are the most common hepatic tumours. Vascular tissue neoplasms (haemangioendothelioma, angiosarcoma) are less common.


  1. Bajčiová, V: Nádory jater u dětí a adolescentů. In: Adam, Z. a kol.: Speciální onkologie: Příznaky, diagnostika a léčba maligních chorob, Galen 2010. pp. 367–368. ISBN 978-80-7262-648-9.
  2. Greenberg, M., Filler, R.M.: Hepatic tumors. In: Pizzo, P.A., Poplack, D.G. (eds): Principles and practice of pediatric oncology (3rd ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott 1997. pp. 717–732.

This chapter was authored by:
Viera Bajčiová, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Paediatric Oncology
University Hospital Brno