Evaluation of the CCCIS portal

The validation of the static contents was carried out as an internal review of static texts and analytical reports. The comments were of rather formal character, aiming to unify the published information from the linguistic and visual points of view. The CCCIS portal was also assessed by experts, namely by two senior doctors dealing with childhood cancer patients on a daily basis, who were asked the following questions (with a hint to use the interactive browser to find the answers):

  • How many Hodgkin lymphomas (in absolute numbers) were there among girls aged 15–19 years in the period 1994–2016?
  • What was the difference between the annual incidence of leukaemias and malignant bone tumours in the period 2003–2005 in children (both sexes) aged 10–14 years?
  • What was the difference between the annual mortality of CNS tumours (C70–C72) in the period 1994–1999 and 2011–2016, for both sexes?
  • What is the difference between sexes in the five-year survival of patients diagnosed with neuroblastoma in the period 2011–2016?

No doubts or comments were raised in the feedback provided by either of the two doctors. All of the above-mentioned questions were answered correctly.

User testing consisted in passing through a simple scenario, which involved the use of all basic sections and elements of the portal.

  1. Visit https://ccc-is.uzis.cz in a web browser of your own choice.
  2. Go through the information section of the portal, which is divided into individual items in the horizontal menu plus the vertical menu on the homepage (News, Participating subjects, Data sources, Team of authors, Links). Using the school marking system (1 = excellent, 5 = fail), please mark: (a) the comprehensibility of available information, (b) the visual intelligibility, (c) the intuitiveness of navigation elements, (d) the logical division of the portal, and (e) the overall user experience.
  3. Find out how childhood cancers are classified in terms of the International Classification of Childhood Cancer.
  4. What is the difference between mortality and age-standardised mortality? Where on the portal can you find this information?
  5. Does the portal contain an overview of static analytical outputs? If so, what are these outputs?
  6. Look up the incidence of malignant bone tumours in boys aged 1–4 years. What was the incidence (in absolute numbers) of these tumours in boys aged 1–4 years in 2013?
  7. Download the overall report (in the form of a PDF) that provides a summary of childhood cancers.

Table 1: User testing: Questions and answers.




Internet Explorer, Google Chrome


(a) 1

(b) 2.75

(c) 1

(d) 1

(e) 1.75



  • Found without any problems, intuitive enough. Classification into twelve main groups.
  • I looked it up. Twelve main groups, some of them clickable and nicely explained.


  • Mortality is the number of deaths from a given diagnosis occurring in a given period in a given population. By contrast, age-standardised mortality is the weighted mean of crude mortality rates in age categories, with weights of crude rates in individual age categories being proportional to the number of persons in a standard population.
  • The explanation of age-standardised mortality is a bit complicated.


  • Yes, at https://ccc-is.uzis.cz/index.php?pg=statistika--analyzy. Summary overview (in general), detailed reports for individual ICCC groups.
  • Yes, the section Statistics / Analyses contains analyses divided into two groups (A and B); the first group involves a Summary overview, whereas the second group provides detailed reports for individual ICCC groups. Both the overview and the reports can be viewed on-line, but can also be downloaded as PDF files. The contents of individual analyses are explained, so the user knows what to expect.


  • If considering all subgroups, there were two cases of malignant bone tumours among boys aged 1–4 years in 2013.
  • The incidence – in absolute numbers – is 2 (see Interactive data views – Incidence).


  • Downloaded without any problems.
  • No problems with the download.

*1 - excellent, 5 - fail